Shitz Creek Pictures

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First trip to Schitz Creek February 2014
Beginning of the creek Winter 2014
Navigating the open creek 2014
Frozen creek-as far as I could go
Headed back down the creek to the Musky
Spring Return to the swollen Creek May 2014
Creek is very wide in early spring
The creek flows into a great pond which looks very large with no water fauna yet
Paddling to the back side of the pond
Narrow channels link 4 ponds for about a 1/4 mile
Lily Pads are beginning to break the surface
Paddling back to the far ponds Spring 2014
Approach to second pond Spring 2014
Paddling up to third pond Spring 2014
Drowned trees in the Spring run off 2014
Mucking about Pond three
Looking back at Pond three
Moving on to the last pond
Navigating the drowned trees to the last pond
Calm waters
In the last pond
Paddling among the lily pads
Entering The first pond
Leaving Schitz Creek Spring 2014
Muskrat swimming out of the creek
Summer 2014 on Schitz Creek
White Lily Flower with Boat -Summer 2014
Lily Flower-Summer 2014
Water Flora Summer 2014
Approaching Beaver Dam in the middle of the creek
Going over the beaver dam
Looking Back toward the creek
Lily pads choke the waters in the summer
Heading across the pond to the creek
Looking back up Schitz Creek
Into the Lily Pads
Snail Summer 2014
Paddling amongst the lily pads
Underwater with fish Summer 2014
This is an example of the many old duck blinds that line the shores of the ponds
Looking across the pond toward Schitz Creek
Looking back toward the mouth of Schitz Creek after a day of exploring